Introducing SimpleCoin: Create Your Own E-commerce Store with Bitcoin Payments

In the dynamic and ever-evolving arena of e-commerce, convenience and technology converge to create a marketplace that is constantly seeking innovative solutions to meet its myriad demands. Amidst this backdrop of perpetual change, SimpleCoin has emerged as a visionary e-commerce script that is revolutionizing the way online transactions are conducted.

Designed with the modern consumer in mind, SimpleCoin is more than a mere payment processing tool; it is a comprehensive e-commerce ecosystem tailored to simplify and enhance the online shopping journey. Whether you’re a novice dipping your toes into the digital marketplace or a seasoned webmaster managing multiple online stores, SimpleCoin offers an adaptable and intuitive platform to facilitate your e-commerce activities.

What sets SimpleCoin apart is its partnership with Coinbase, a distinguished name in the realm of digital currency. By leveraging the robust Coinbase API, SimpleCoin delivers a secure and seamless payment experience that instills confidence in both merchants and consumers. The integration with Coinbase assures that every transaction is underpinned by the highest standards of security and reliability, a crucial consideration in the e-commerce sector.

Additionally, the complementary solution known as SimpleCart works in tandem with SimpleCoin to provide an even more streamlined shopping experience. SimpleCart, a powerful JavaScript-based shopping cart, empowers users and shoppers to effortlessly consolidate their desired products into a single cart. With this functionality, the checkout process is succinct and user-friendly, culminating on a secure server that ensures the protection of sensitive payment information.

This synergy of SimpleCoin and SimpleCart signifies more than just technological progress; it represents a shift towards more inclusive, comprehensible, and adaptive online shopping experiences. The easy-to-use interface, coupled with the robust backend infrastructure, caters to the diverse requirements of the digital age, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their technical prowess, can participate in the thriving e-commerce economy.

SimpleCoin is primed to redefine the paradigms of online shopping, promising a future where transactions are not just transactions but become gateways to secure, efficient, and enjoyable shopping experiences. With SimpleCoin the future of e-commerce looks brighter, more accessible, and infinitely more versatile.

Core Features of SimpleCoin Free Version

SimpleCoin is built upon the robust foundation of simplecart.js, a lightweight JavaScript library that simplifies the addition of a shopping cart to any website. The free version of SimpleCoin leverages this simplicity and integrates seamlessly with Coinbase Commerce, enabling cryptocurrency payments. Here’s a closer look at what the free version offers:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
  • Simplicity and Ease of Use: With simplecart.js at its core, SimpleCoin offers an incredibly user-friendly interface, requiring minimal setup. It’s perfect for those new to coding or those who prefer straightforward solutions.
      // Basic setup to integrate simplecart.js
      checkout: {
          type: "SendForm",
          url: "/your-server-endpoint",
          // Additional checkout configurations here
      // Define currency and other options
      currency: "USD",
      // More configurations...
  • Crypto Payments with Coinbase Commerce: SimpleCoin takes advantage of Coinbase Commerce’s secure platform to facilitate cryptocurrency transactions. Setting up is a breeze, as shown in the example below:
  simpleCart.bind('beforeCheckout', function(data) {
      data.coinbaseCommerceCheckoutUrl = "YOUR_COINBASE_COMMERCE_CHECKOUT_LINK";
      // Redirect user to Coinbase Commerce checkout
      window.location.href = data.coinbaseCommerceCheckoutUrl;
  • Customization and Flexibility: Despite its simplicity, SimpleCoin doesn’t compromise on customization. Users can tailor their e-commerce platform to fit their brand and products effortlessly.

Premium Features: Elevating Your E-Commerce Experience

For those looking to expand their e-commerce capabilities, SimpleCoin offers a premium version packed with advanced features:

  • User/Subscriber Management: Manage your customers more effectively with integrated user and subscriber management tools. Keep track of purchases, preferences, and more, enhancing user engagement and retention.
  • Coupons and Discounts: Boost sales and attract more customers with customizable coupons and discount options. The premium version allows for intricate discount strategies to be implemented with ease.
  • Vendor Multi-Stores: Ideal for marketplace setups, the vendor multi-stores feature enables multiple vendors to sell on your platform, expanding your product range and attracting a diverse customer base.
  • AI Customer Support: Leveraging AI technology, SimpleCoin’s premium version offers automated customer support, ensuring that your customers receive prompt and efficient assistance, enhancing their shopping experience.

SimpleCoin stands at the forefront of e-commerce innovation, offering a versatile, secure, and user-friendly platform for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re just starting with the free version or opting for the premium features, SimpleCoin is poised to transform your online store into a thriving marketplace. Embrace the future of e-commerce with SimpleCoin, where simplicity meets sophistication.

To illustrate how SimpleCoin can be integrated into a webpage, let’s create a basic example showcasing a small online store that sells digital products. This example will demonstrate the use of simplecart.js for the shopping cart functionality and how to set up a Coinbase Commerce checkout link for crypto payments.

Webpage Example: Digital Book Store with SimpleCoin

HTML Structure

The HTML structure will include a simple layout with a header, a section for products, and a cart summary that shows the total items and a checkout button.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Digital Book Store</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> <!-- Make sure to include your CSS file -->

    <h1>Digital Book Store</h1>

<section class="products">
    <div class="product" data-item-id="001" data-item-name="E-Book: The Future of Tech" data-item-price="10.00">
        <h2>E-Book: The Future of Tech</h2>
        <p>Price: $10.00</p>
        <button class="add-to-cart">Add to Cart</button>
    <!-- Add more products as needed -->

<div class="cart-summary">
    <p>Total Items: <span class="simpleCart_quantity"></span></p>
    <p>Total: <span class="simpleCart_total"></span></p>
    <button class="checkout">Checkout</button>

<script src="simplecart.min.js"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script> <!-- Your JavaScript file -->

CSS for Basic Styling

This CSS will provide basic styling for the webpage. Feel free to customize it according to your preferences.

body {
    font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 20px;
    background-color: #f4f4f4;

header {
    margin-bottom: 20px;

.products .product {
    background-color: #fff;
    padding: 20px;
    margin-bottom: 10px;

button {
    background-color: #008cba;
    color: white;
    padding: 10px 20px;
    border: none;
    cursor: pointer;

button:hover {
    background-color: #005f73;

.cart-summary {
    background-color: #fff;
    padding: 20px;
    margin-top: 20px;

JavaScript: Integrating simplecart.js and Coinbase Commerce

The JavaScript code initializes simplecart.js, configures the cart, and sets up the checkout process using a Coinbase Commerce link.

// Initialize simpleCart and configure settings
    cartStyle: "table", // Display cart as a table
    checkout: {
        type: "SendForm",
        url: "/checkout" // Set this to your server-side checkout handler

// Add items to the cart
document.querySelectorAll('.add-to-cart').forEach(button => {
    button.addEventListener('click', function() {
        const product = this.closest('.product');
            id: product.dataset.itemId,
            name: product.dataset.itemName,
            price: product.dataset.itemPrice,
            quantity: 1

// Checkout button action
document.querySelector('.checkout').addEventListener('click', function() {
    // Here, instead of a regular checkout, you'd redirect to a Coinbase Commerce URL
    // For example: window.location.href = "YOUR_COINBASE_COMMERCE_CHECKOUT_LINK";


  • Make sure to replace "YOUR_COINBASE_COMMERCE_CHECKOUT_LINK" with your actual Coinbase Commerce checkout link. It has to be the open-end (No Amount) server side link with no amount set.
  • This example provides a basic starting point. Depending on your requirements, you might need to adjust the simpleCart configurations and the server-side processing.
  • Don’t forget to include the simplecart.min.js library in your project. You can download it from the SimpleCart GitHub repository or link to it directly if available from a CDN.

This example demonstrates how you can set up a simple e-commerce webpage (Using any HTML ecommerce template) with SimpleCoin, integrating a cart system and crypto payments. All you need to do is update the HTML, no database dependency is required. The pro version offers security and simplicity using MVC framework like CodeIgniter but not so complicated.

These free HTML Bootstrap templates for e-commerce sites can save you a lot of time and effort in setting up your online store. Bootstrap, being one of the most popular front-end frameworks, is widely supported and provides a responsive grid system, pre-designed components, and powerful JavaScript plugins. Here are some reputable sources where you can find high-quality, free Bootstrap templates for e-commerce:

  1. Start Bootstrap: Start Bootstrap offers a range of free templates that are simple to use and customize. Their e-commerce templates are designed with modern trends and standards in mind, ensuring your site will have a professional look. Check out their website at Start Bootstrap.
  2. BootstrapMade: BootstrapMade provides a collection of free and premium Bootstrap templates. Their e-commerce templates are known for their clean design and functionality, making it a great starting point for any online store. Visit BootstrapMade to explore their templates.
  3. Colorlib: Colorlib offers an extensive library of free Bootstrap website templates, including ones specifically designed for e-commerce. Their templates are modern, responsive, and easy to customize. Browse their e-commerce templates at Colorlib.
  4. ThemeWagon: ThemeWagon hosts a variety of high-quality Bootstrap templates, including free options for e-commerce websites. Their templates cater to a wide range of styles and preferences, ensuring you’ll find something that suits your project. Check out their collection at ThemeWagon.
  5. BootstrapTaste: BootstrapTaste curates a selection of free and premium Bootstrap templates, with a few dedicated to e-commerce. Their templates are designed to be clean, responsive, and easy to navigate. Visit BootstrapTaste to see their offerings.
  6. W3Layouts: W3Layouts offers a wide array of free Bootstrap templates suitable for e-commerce sites. Their templates are fully responsive and come with various features that make setting up an online store straightforward. Explore their e-commerce templates at W3Layouts.
  7. TemplateMo: TemplateMo provides free CSS templates, HTML5, and Bootstrap themes. They have a small but quality collection of e-commerce templates that are easy to integrate and customize. Find their templates at TemplateMo.

When choosing a template, ensure it aligns with your brand identity and meets your functional requirements. It’s also crucial to check the license and terms of use to understand what you’re allowed to do with the template. Happy template hunting!

To leverage cryptocurrency payments with SimpleCoin, particularly the integration with Coinbase Commerce for handling transactions, it’s essential to have a Coinbase Commerce account. If you don’t already have one, here’s a simplified breakdown of the process to get you started:

Creating a Coinbase Commerce Account

  1. Visit the Coinbase Commerce Website: Go to the Coinbase Commerce official site. Here, you’ll find a wealth of information about the platform and its capabilities.
  2. Sign Up: Look for the “Sign Up” button, usually located at the top right corner of the homepage. Clicking this will begin the account creation process.
  3. Provide Your Details: You’ll be prompted to enter basic information, such as your email address and a secure password. Make sure to use a strong password to protect your account.
  4. Verify Your Email: After submitting your details, Coinbase Commerce will send a verification email to the address you provided. Open this email and click on the verification link to confirm your email address.
  5. Set Up Your Business Profile: Once your email is verified, you’ll be asked to provide more detailed information about your business. This may include your business name, website, and a brief description of what you sell.
  6. Enable Cryptocurrency Payments: After setting up your profile, navigate to the settings or payments section to enable and configure the cryptocurrencies you wish to accept. Coinbase Commerce supports several major cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and others.
  7. Integrate with Your Website: With your account set up and your cryptocurrencies of choice enabled, the next step is to integrate Coinbase Commerce with your website. Coinbase Commerce provides various tools and plugins for integration, including API keys and pre-built payment buttons.
  8. Test Your Setup: Before going live, it’s crucial to test your setup to ensure everything works as expected. Coinbase Commerce offers sandbox environments for this purpose, allowing you to simulate transactions without real money.

Important Considerations

  • Security: Keep your Coinbase Commerce account secure. Use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and never share your account details with anyone.
  • Fees: Familiarize yourself with the transaction fees associated with using Coinbase Commerce. Understanding the fee structure will help you manage your pricing and margins more effectively.
  • Legal and Tax Compliance: Ensure that your use of cryptocurrency payments complies with the legal and tax regulations in your jurisdiction. This may include reporting income and paying taxes on cryptocurrency transactions.

Creating a Coinbase Commerce account is a straightforward process, but it’s important to approach it with attention to detail, especially concerning security and compliance. Once set up, you’ll be well on your way to accepting crypto payments on your e-commerce site, offering your customers a modern, secure, and versatile payment option.

Coinbase Commerce typically requires setting up individual checkout pages for each product or service you’re offering, rather than dynamically passing a total amount via a URL parameter for a generic checkout. This means you would pre-configure each product with a set price in the Coinbase Commerce dashboard, and each product would have its own unique checkout link.

The initial example provided aims to give a basic idea of how a shopping cart can be integrated into a webpage using simplecart.js and how to initiate a checkout process that could potentially link to a Coinbase Commerce payment gateway. However, to ensure a fully functional e-commerce setup, especially one that dynamically passes the total amount to Coinbase Commerce without requiring the customer to enter it manually, there are a few considerations and additions you might need:

  1. Server-Side Integration: As mentioned earlier, to dynamically create charges with Coinbase Commerce based on the cart’s total, you’ll need to integrate server-side logic. This is because the creation of charges via the Coinbase Commerce API should be securely handled on the server to avoid exposing sensitive API keys or other secure details.
  2. AJAX Request for Checkout: In the app.js file, you’ll need to add an AJAX request to your server-side endpoint that handles the creation of the Coinbase Commerce charge. This AJAX call should be triggered when the user clicks the checkout button, sending the cart total to the server, which then creates the charge and returns the URL for the Coinbase Commerce checkout page.
  3. Dynamic Cart Updates: Ensure your cart dynamically updates the total price and item quantities as users add items or change quantities. While simplecart.js handles this to some extent, ensure it’s properly configured to reflect changes in real-time on your webpage.
  4. Security Enhancements: Ensure your webpage is secured with HTTPS to protect customer data, especially during transactions. Also, ensure your server-side code securely handles API keys and other sensitive data.
  5. User Feedback and Error Handling: Provide clear feedback to users during the checkout process, especially if there are errors or delays in generating the Coinbase Commerce checkout link. This improves the user experience and helps manage user expectations during the checkout process.
  6. Fallback Mechanisms: Consider implementing a fallback mechanism in case the server-side charge creation fails or the Coinbase Commerce service is unavailable. This could be an alternative payment method or a message to the user with instructions on what to do next.
  7. Compliance and Legal Checks: Ensure your implementation complies with all relevant legal requirements, including those related to cryptocurrency transactions, in your jurisdiction and those of your customers.

These additional considerations and features will help ensure that your e-commerce setup is not only user-friendly but also secure and compliant with relevant standards and regulations.

Final Step: Setup Your Cart to Work Seamlessly with Coinbase

For a more dynamic setup where you want to pass a total amount to Coinbase Commerce based on a user’s cart total, you would generally use Coinbase Commerce’s API to create a charge dynamically. This involves making a server-side request to Coinbase Commerce with the total amount and possibly other details about the purchase. Coinbase Commerce then responds with a charge object that includes a URL to a hosted checkout page specifically for that charge.

Here’s a simplified flow of how this could work:

  1. User clicks the checkout button: This triggers a function in your app.js.
  2. Your server creates a charge: Your backend server makes an API call to Coinbase Commerce, passing along details such as the total amount, currency, and any other relevant information. This needs to be done server-side to keep your API key secure.
  3. Coinbase Commerce returns a charge object: The response from Coinbase Commerce includes details about the charge, most importantly, a URL to a hosted checkout page specifically for this transaction.
  4. Redirect the user: Your server then sends the checkout URL back to the front end, where your app.js redirects the user to this URL.

This approach requires you to handle the server-side logic and ensure secure communication between your site, the server, and Coinbase Commerce. It’s more complex but offers a seamless checkout experience for your users.

To create a more complete example that includes the discussed enhancements, we’ll need to outline both the front-end and a conceptual back-end integration. For the front-end, we’ll enhance the app.js with an AJAX call to a server-side endpoint for creating a Coinbase Commerce charge dynamically. Since we can’t execute actual back-end code here, I’ll provide a conceptual outline of how the server-side logic could look, assuming a Node.js environment for the sake of example.

Enhanced Front-End (HTML + JavaScript)

HTML (No changes needed from the initial example)

Your HTML structure remains the same as the initial example provided. It includes product listings with “Add to Cart” buttons and a “Checkout” button.

Conceptual Server-Side Logic (Node.js Example)

The server-side component involves creating an endpoint that handles the POST request from your checkout process, creates a Coinbase Commerce charge based on the total amount received, and returns the checkout URL to the client.

Node.js Express Setup with Coinbase Commerce API Integration


Main server file for Node.js/Express application

const express = require('express');
const axios = require('axios');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');

const app = express();
const port = 3000;

app.use(bodyParser.json());'/create-coinbase-charge', async (req, res) => {
    const totalAmount =;

    try {
        const response = await'', {
            name: 'Cart Checkout',
            description: 'Complete your purchase',
            local_price: {
                amount: totalAmount,
                currency: 'USD'
            pricing_type: 'fixed_price'
        }, {
            headers: {
                'X-CC-Api-Key': 'YOUR_COINBASE_COMMERCE_API_KEY',
                'X-CC-Version': '2018-03-22'

        if ( && {
            res.json({ checkoutUrl: });
        } else {
            res.status(500).json({ error: 'Failed to create Coinbase Commerce charge' });
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error creating Coinbase Commerce charge:', error);
        res.status(500).json({ error: 'Internal server error' });

app.listen(port, () => {
    console.log(`Server running at http://localhost:${port}`);

Implementation Notes

  • Front-End: Make sure your app.js is correctly linked in your HTML file. Ensure CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is properly configured if your front-end and back-end are served from different origins.
  • Back-End: Replace 'YOUR_COINBASE_COMMERCE_API_KEY' with your actual Coinbase Commerce API key. The example uses Express.js for the server setup, and Axios for making HTTP requests, but you can adapt this to your preferred back-end technology and libraries.
  • Security and Testing: Ensure all data is validated both client-side and server-side. Test thoroughly in a secure environment, and consider using HTTPS to encrypt data in transit.

This example provides a foundational structure for integrating a dynamic checkout process with Coinbase Commerce into your e-commerce site. Depending on your specific requirements, you might need to adjust or expand upon this example, particularly in terms of security, error handling, and user experience enhancements.

Below is a revised version of the app.js file that aligns with the enhanced example discussed earlier. This version includes event listeners for adding items to the cart, updating the cart summary, and handling the checkout process with an AJAX call to a server-side endpoint to create a Coinbase Commerce charge.

JavaScript (app.js)

This updated app.js will now include an AJAX call to your server when the checkout button is clicked, sending the cart total to the server, which in turn will create a Coinbase Commerce charge and return the checkout URL.

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
    // Initialize SimpleCart

    // Add items to the cart
    document.querySelectorAll('.add-to-cart').forEach(button => {
        button.addEventListener('click', function() {
            const product = this.closest('.product');
                id: product.dataset.itemId,
                name: product.dataset.itemName,
                price: product.dataset.itemPrice,
                quantity: 1

    // Update cart summary
    function updateCartSummary() {
        document.querySelector('.simpleCart_quantity').textContent = simpleCart.quantity();
        document.querySelector('.simpleCart_total').textContent =;

    // Checkout button action
    document.querySelector('.checkout').addEventListener('click', function() {
        const cartTotal =; // Get the total amount from the cart

        // AJAX request to server to create Coinbase Commerce charge
        fetch('/create-coinbase-charge', {
            method: 'POST',
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            body: JSON.stringify({ total: cartTotal }),
        .then(response => response.json())
        .then(data => {
            if(data && data.checkoutUrl) {
                window.location.href = data.checkoutUrl; // Redirect to Coinbase Commerce checkout page
            } else {
                // Handle errors or situations where the checkout URL isn't returned
                alert('Error: Checkout URL not provided.');
        .catch((error) => {
            console.error('Error:', error);
            alert('Error processing the request. Please try again.');

    // Initial update of the cart summary on page load

Key Components of app.js

  • Cart Initialization: The simpleCart.init(); call initializes the cart. Depending on your version of simplecart.js and how it’s set up, you might need to adjust this initialization to match the library’s requirements.
  • Adding Items to Cart: This section listens for clicks on “Add to Cart” buttons and adds the respective item to the cart. It then updates the cart summary to reflect the new item.
  • Updating Cart Summary: The updateCartSummary function updates the displayed total items and total price in the cart summary section of your webpage. It’s called after adding an item and during the initial page load.
  • Handling Checkout: The checkout button’s event listener sends an AJAX POST request to your server-side endpoint /create-coinbase-charge with the cart’s total amount. The server is expected to return a URL to a Coinbase Commerce checkout page, to which the customer is then redirected.
  • Initial Cart Summary Update: On page load, the cart summary is updated to reflect the current state of the cart, ensuring that the display is accurate right from the start.

Implementation Notes

  • Server Endpoint: Ensure you have a server-side endpoint /create-coinbase-charge set up to handle the POST request, create a Coinbase Commerce charge, and return the checkout URL as shown in the previous examples.
  • Testing: Test this script thoroughly in your development environment to ensure it works as expected. Pay particular attention to the cart’s behavior when adding items and during the checkout process.
  • Security: Implement appropriate security measures, especially for the server-side handling of the Coinbase Commerce API and customer data.

This app.js file provides a complete front-end setup for integrating SimpleCoin with dynamic Coinbase Commerce payments in your e-commerce site. Adjustments may be needed based on your specific requirements, the behavior of your simplecart.js version, and your server-side implementation.

A package.json file is central to a project that uses Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) for managing project dependencies, scripts, and metadata. If your project involves a front-end that’s built with Node.js tools or a back-end Node.js server, you’ll need this file.

Below is a basic example of what a package.json file might look like for a project that has a Node.js/Express back-end server and uses various packages for utility and development purposes.

Example package.json

  "name": "your-project-name",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "A simple e-commerce platform with Node.js backend and Express.",
  "main": "server.js",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "node server.js",
    "dev": "nodemon server.js"
  "keywords": [
  "author": "Your Name",
  "license": "ISC",
  "dependencies": {
    "express": "^4.17.1",
    "dotenv": "^8.2.0",
    "axios": "^0.21.1"
  "devDependencies": {
    "nodemon": "^2.0.7"

Explanation of Key Fields:

  • name: The name of your project. It should be unique if you plan to publish it to the npm registry.
  • version: Your project’s current version. This follows Semantic Versioning.
  • description: A brief description of your project.
  • main: The main entry point of your project (typically the main server file in a Node.js project).
  • scripts: A set of scripts you can run from the command line. For example, npm start will run node server.js, and npm run dev will run nodemon server.js for development purposes.
  • keywords: A set of keywords related to your project, which can help others find it.
  • author: The name of the project author.
  • license: The license under which the project is released. “ISC” is a common open-source license.
  • dependencies: Libraries your project needs to run. For example, express for the web server framework, dotenv for environment variable management, and axios for making HTTP requests.
  • devDependencies: Libraries and tools needed only during development and not in your production environment, like nodemon for automatically restarting the server during development when files change.

How to Create package.json:

You can create a package.json manually by writing it out in a text editor, or you can generate it using npm by running the following command in your project’s root directory:

npm init

This command will prompt you for information about your project and generate a package.json file based on your responses. You can also use npm init -y to generate a package.json with default values without going through the prompts.

Hey, if you’re feeling adventurous and want to spice things up in your project, don’t just stand there! Grab your command line and fire away with npm install express --save to throw Express into the mix like a boss. Or maybe you’re a rebel and need some dev-only thrills? Then slam down that npm install nodemon --save-dev and watch ‘devDependencies’ light up in your package.json. Dare to dominate your dependencies, and make that project obey your every command.


├── public/ # Directory for public (front-end) files
│ ├── index.html # Main HTML file for the e-commerce site
│ ├── style.css # CSS styles
│ ├── app.js # Front-end JavaScript for cart and checkout functionality
│ └── simplecart.min.js # simplecart.js library

├── server.js # Main server file for Node.js/Express application

├── package.json # Project metadata and dependencies
├── .env # Environment variables (not committed to version control)

└── (other optional directories and files like controllers/, routes/, etc.)

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